LIVERPOOL 5150 - 1 July 2012
With a strong international field including Chris McCormack, Richard Stannard and Ritchie Nichols you just know it’s going to be a tough day at the office.
The weather was poor first thing, but the strong coastal wind soon dried the road, the swim was a frantic battle to stay on anyone’s feet. Fortunately I picked up a pair and settled into a quicker pace than usual and despite my fears I wasn’t last.
The main pack was well ahead but I had them within sight which was reassuring. I exited the water in a PB time of 20 minutes and 18 seconds still a good deal slower than the main pack but better than anticipated.
Onto the bike and it was a 4 lap route with a wind that seemed to turn against you at every turn, I was hoping to make up some time here but with a very strong field that are as strong as I am on the bike it was difficult. I set a time of 1 hour and 55 seconds which was ok given the conditions.
As the run loomed I knew this was going to have to be a fast one with Beau Smith ahead by about a minute I had him in my sights, I put my head down and put the hammer down making good progress.
I managed to claw back 2 places with another PB of 32 minutes 27 seconds, this gave me a total time of 1 hour 54 minutes.
In 2011 this would have given me 7th place but with a much stronger international field this year it put me in 17th place.
With my run still strong I will be concentrating my efforts over the next 3 weeks on my bike before Ironman Bolton along with plenty of time in the pool.
Fingers crossed everything is looking good for the 22nd July.